【OFA】保守療法如此不堪??? 看看OFA怎麼說!!
Hip Dysplasia Treatment Options 髖關節發育不全的治療選擇
General Guidelines基本原則
Once osteoarthritis is present on a radiograph, dysplastic changes are irreversible and usually continue to progress over time.
If a dysplastic dog has secondary arthritis and pain, most owners elect to first treat their dog with medical management. The
key to medical management of arthritis is weight control and exercise management. Studies have shown that up to 76% of
severely dysplastic dogs with arthritis secondary to HD are able to function and live comfortable quality lives with conservative
With weight control, the goal is to prevent the dog from becoming overweight to reduce mechanical stresses applied to the hip
joints. In general terms, the ribs should be easily palpated and there should be an indentation in front of the pelvic wings (waist
Controlled exercise is indicated to prevent or relieve the inflammatory process that leads to the pain associated with arthritis. The
amount and difficulty of the activity is determined on a trial and error basis. Exercise should start with short leash walks and be
gradually increased until the dog reaches the desired level of activity. If clinical signs start to reappear, the amount of exercise is
scaled back to a level that will not cause clinical signs. Overall, exercise should fit to an individual dog's maximum intensity level
with the goal to maintain muscle tone and cardiovascular function without causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation to the joint. The
right amount of exercise helps to maintain muscle tone and strength and stabilizes the unstable dysplastic joint. Exercise also improves
joint range of motion which in turn, keeps the dog more comfortable. Swimming, because it is a non-weight bearing exercise, can be
a very useful means of maintaining muscle tone and range of motion without placing concussive forces on the joint.
Keep the dog in a warm environment. Warmth tends to help control the pain of arthritis from hip dysplasia. As in people, arthritic
pain in dogs tends to be worse in the damp and cold of winter. Providing a well-padded and warm bed will help alleviate some of
the pain associated with osteoarthritis. An egg-crate foam bed for dogs is commercially available. Applying superficial heat in the
form of heating pads may also relieve pain. Care must be taken not to burn the skin especially with an electric heating pad. Heat
works best for chronically inflamed joints from arthritis while cold works better to treat acute (sudden) types of joint injury.
只是今天心血來潮就到OFA網站上找了這篇,花了點時間翻給大家看! 看看OFA怎麼說保守療法,是不是真的不動手術
不行? 是不是真的保守療法如此不堪? 是不是整個髖友會都是如此盲目?
其實machi拔也寫過文章了,保守療法是選擇之一,不是唯一! 這才是正確的觀念,該手術就手術,不必手術就好好作保
守療法,沒有哪一個方式才是對的,別就一定是錯的! 一切要看醫生怎麼評估!
哪一個醫生比較好? 我不知道,只是翻譯OFA文章以來,OFA講的每件事情,愛屋都作得很好,在李醫師和王醫師身上,
我看到OFA standard,我相信的是OFA,不是單純因為李醫師,王醫師,Amy姐人很好,我就盲目支持,很簡單:OFA!
Hip Dysplasia Treatment Options 髖關節發育不全的治療選擇
General Guidelines基本原則
Once osteoarthritis is present on a radiograph, dysplastic changes are irreversible and usually continue to progress over time.
If a dysplastic dog has secondary arthritis and pain, most owners elect to first treat their dog with medical management. The
key to medical management of arthritis is weight control and exercise management. Studies have shown that up to 76% of
severely dysplastic dogs with arthritis secondary to HD are able to function and live comfortable quality lives with conservative
With weight control, the goal is to prevent the dog from becoming overweight to reduce mechanical stresses applied to the hip
joints. In general terms, the ribs should be easily palpated and there should be an indentation in front of the pelvic wings (waist
Controlled exercise is indicated to prevent or relieve the inflammatory process that leads to the pain associated with arthritis. The
amount and difficulty of the activity is determined on a trial and error basis. Exercise should start with short leash walks and be
gradually increased until the dog reaches the desired level of activity. If clinical signs start to reappear, the amount of exercise is
scaled back to a level that will not cause clinical signs. Overall, exercise should fit to an individual dog's maximum intensity level
with the goal to maintain muscle tone and cardiovascular function without causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation to the joint. The
right amount of exercise helps to maintain muscle tone and strength and stabilizes the unstable dysplastic joint. Exercise also improves
joint range of motion which in turn, keeps the dog more comfortable. Swimming, because it is a non-weight bearing exercise, can be
a very useful means of maintaining muscle tone and range of motion without placing concussive forces on the joint.
Keep the dog in a warm environment. Warmth tends to help control the pain of arthritis from hip dysplasia. As in people, arthritic
pain in dogs tends to be worse in the damp and cold of winter. Providing a well-padded and warm bed will help alleviate some of
the pain associated with osteoarthritis. An egg-crate foam bed for dogs is commercially available. Applying superficial heat in the
form of heating pads may also relieve pain. Care must be taken not to burn the skin especially with an electric heating pad. Heat
works best for chronically inflamed joints from arthritis while cold works better to treat acute (sudden) types of joint injury.
只是今天心血來潮就到OFA網站上找了這篇,花了點時間翻給大家看! 看看OFA怎麼說保守療法,是不是真的不動手術
不行? 是不是真的保守療法如此不堪? 是不是整個髖友會都是如此盲目?
其實machi拔也寫過文章了,保守療法是選擇之一,不是唯一! 這才是正確的觀念,該手術就手術,不必手術就好好作保
守療法,沒有哪一個方式才是對的,別就一定是錯的! 一切要看醫生怎麼評估!
哪一個醫生比較好? 我不知道,只是翻譯OFA文章以來,OFA講的每件事情,愛屋都作得很好,在李醫師和王醫師身上,
我看到OFA standard,我相信的是OFA,不是單純因為李醫師,王醫師,Amy姐人很好,我就盲目支持,很簡單:OFA!